Adapting Assessment into Policy and Learning: Adolescent 21st Century skills Kenya, Uganda, and Tanzania
The ADAPT Project is supported by the Global Partnership for Education and the International Research Development Centre (IDRC) under the Knowledge Innovation Exchange (KIX) Program

Sub-Saharan Youth
The youth population in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA), the fastest-growing region in the world, is expected to double in the next 3 decades, reaching
375 million by 2030. Development analysts have observed that the continent remains stubbornly inhospitable-politically, economically, and socially-to young people
Policy on SDG’s
Urgently needed is a comprehensive policy agenda, that focuses on the Sustainable Development Goals of ensuring access to health care and quality education for all adolescents including technology-driven and on providing them with productive employment and decent work

Project Objectives
- Generate lessons from past and present national and regional learning assessments and initiatives.
- Build capacity of a dynamic learning community to integrate and assess 21st-century skills
- Mobilize policy uptake on the utilization of learning assessments
Formative studies on utilization of learning assessments.
These are the views of the people who have interacted with the project so far.

Mr. Ali Khamis Juma – Principal Secretary, Ministry of Education and Vocational Training (MoEVT, Zanzibar)
There is a huge mismatch between the skills young people have vs. the ones needed to get jobs. ADAPT initiative will lead us into the right path.

Zaida Mgalla – Immediate Former Executive Director, Uwezo Tanzania
It is important to track uptake of the assessment data by government stakeholders. There is need to engage government stakeholders in every step of the ADAPT implementation so that they can achieve the objectives, to make sure that our education system ensures learners are equitably assessed.
The ADAPT Project is supported by the Global Partnership for Education and the International Research Development Centre (IDRC) under the Knowledge Innovation Exchange (KIX) Program